Monday, 6 August 2012

Day 6: Preparation and an Ouchie...

Tonight's post is going to be a short one. I'm typing with one hand (please excuse any grammatical errors) while the other sits in a bowl of cool water; its the only way I can get relief from the burning caused by cutting jalepenos without gloves. This happens every time! I can't believe that I don't learn. I always end up with my hands searing but I never put on gloves, but now I feel like banging my head off the wall until it gets through my thick skull... "always wear gloves" should become my new mantra! I checked out a few websites and followed every remedy that I thought was reasonable (I am not soaking my hand in bleach... really? Is that really a good idea?). I tried lime juice, vaseline, yogurt, sour cream, and vinegar, but no luck. The heat just keeps coming. Ugh... anyone out there have a remedy that actually works? I'm just thankful that I didn't scratch my eye or go to the bathroom...

But up until the point of the jalepenos, I had a very productive day. I slept in late; finished the book I was reading; Barry and I started our wine kit; I transplanted a bunch of jalepeno plants (I know, I'm a sucker for punishment but we love jalepenos and they are expensive; it's more economical to grow them myself); we had a lovely supper; and, I prepared a bunch of food for the week. I made two batches of Kale chips, grated sweet potato casserole with green onions and jalepenos (argh), fried pork belly, cucumber and tomato salad, and fruit salad.This is a bad pic, but it's me working the big vat of wine! I am all ready for work tomorrow too. I just need to whip up some more coconut milk, rather, I'm going to ask Barry real nice if he will do it when he gets home. I must remember to say thank you; not like the way I remembered to wear gloves when cutting those peppers.  Cheers to the end of Day 6!

Food Diary:
Breakfast: two cups of coffee and a banana (I know, not enough...)
Supper: prime rib steak, grated sweet potato fried in coconut oil (I don't think I like coconut oil...) and cucumber.
Snacks: two clementines
I just wasn't all that hungry today. Could be that I was busy, but I never even had a craving and I didnt get that ravenously hungry feelingg at all.


  1. Do you use refined or virgin coconut oil? I know that the virgin stuff is supposed to be even healthier, but I can't stand it to cook with (though it's great for baking). I don't want coconut-flavoured scrambled eggs. :P

    1. You know what Jac? I'm not even sure what it is. Nicole told me to buy it! Hahaha! But I'm really not enjoying the coconutty flavour, even if my food fries beautifully.

  2. Ok, fess us with the recipe for the grated sweet potato and jalapeño casserole! And how did I not know I had a source of fresh jalapeños right in my own little working group? You've been holding out on me!

    1. Well, my plants aren't fruit bearing yet. I actually bought those jalepenos at the grocery store... Stupid jalepenos. I actually had to go to bed with my hand on an ice pack. I could get NOOO relief.

    2. Ps. Recipe was super simple, I posted it in the Recipes tab.
