Nutrition: I will eat at regular intervals and I will eat breakfast every day.
Sleep: I will be in bed by 10:30 every night and will allow myself one episode of TV or one half hour to read. Lights out by 11:10. I know I should be turning off the lights earlier, but I've decided that this me time is worth it (for this first Whole30).
Stress Management: I will reflect tomorrow on upcoming situations where I know that sticking to my Whole30 will be difficult and I will develop strategies (written in a notebook) that will help me be prepared to stay strong.
Exercise: I will continue to run 4-5km 2-3 times per week with an additional run on the weekends of at least 7km. I will also do 25 repetitions of some form of exercise every time I go to the bathroom (wall pushups, squats, crunches, etc).
Active Recovery: I will stretch after every run and do some form of yoga once per week (even if that means stretches at work on a lunch break or doing it in a class).
Play and Fun: I will do something fun with Fury at least 1/week such as going for a long walk, taking him on my run, or going to the park.
Personal Growth: I will read my Whole30 Daily posts everyday as well as one other blog post by someone completing a Whole30. I will also read "Women, Food, and God" so that I can return it to my good friend Ashley (who is also doing the Whole30 this month. Yay Ashley!!)
Temperance: What does this even mean? I will say thank you every time Barry does something supportive for my Whole30. I already need to say thank you for: checking the ingredients in the tea he bought me to make iced tea with; not putting BBQ on our pork chops tonight; cutting up strawberries for me to have once I've finished this post; and, of course cooking the supper!
So, again something else that I will revisit in the future and I'll keep you posted on how I've acheived or struggled with reaching my goals. I think some will be easier than others. I didn't write "sticking to the Whole30" as a goal because I eating non-compliant foods is not an option!
I've eaten completely Whole30 compliant today and it was DELISH! Most of what I ate, I would have had on any normal day, but I probably would have eaten other things besides. I started the day with a big bowl of chili and a banana (and remember this was lunchtime), and for supper I had pork chops, fried mushrooms and onions, and sauteed baby bok choy! Yum, I had a big glass of mango white iced tea with fresh raspberries in it and now the strawberries and coconut milk.
And, I did NOT have any aspartame! I had three cups of coffee all with coconut milk. It was pretty good. If I had to rank it I would say that it's better than milk only but not as good as milk and sweetener. I hope that my opinion changes drastically by the end of August. I kept thinking of the Whole9's philosophie that quitting heroin is hard, birthing babies is hard, drinking black coffee, is. not. hard. So although it wasn't what I'm used to. I'm keeping an open mind and I will continue to drink coffee with coconut milk. Coconut milk is AMAZING by the way! How was this not in my life before! I had trouble not eating it straight out of the container this morning. But I figured that eating a can of coconut milk in one sitting might be a bit ridiculous... Besides, I needed to save some for coffee tomorrow!
So how was your day? Did you find a new food today that you are excited about? If so, fill us in!
I had a headache today too, but went to work anyway. I'm super nauseous which definitely kept my appetite down. (nope, not pregnant)
ReplyDeleteInteresting about Dijon - I'm allergic to sulfites, as well as nitrates/nitrates. It's amazing how much bad stuff is in things you'd least suspect.
Here's to ice packs and a better day tomorrow.