In my past life as a perpetual Weight Watchers/calorie counting junkie, weekends were always tough for me. Breakfast was fine, but unless I had something to do in the day I would usually spend the day thinking about food and running back and forth to the kitchen to grab a little of whatever struck my fancy. One thing that I always was able to fall back on was coffee, and Diet Pepsi. I know right? Now that I say those two items together they don't sound so enticing. But I would fill up a nice tall glass of DP with lots of ice and I could enjoy that and not feel like I needed to eat. Especially on a hot day and guess what, today was a hot day... This was my huge struggle, I wanted coffee in the morning while enjoying my breakfast on the patio and I wanted Diet Pepsi throughout the day to enjoy in the heat. Instead I stuck to water which just didn't seem as satisfying. I feel that my drink options are more limited than my food options. Isn't that funny?
Tonight was bookclub, more temptations... Since I was the host, I made sure to supply only Whole30 approved snacks. I did a nice head of roasted cauliflower, verrines of fruit with coconut milk, and almonds. And the girls were super supportive! Thanks Amanda and Alicia!
Lunch: banana with almond butter
Supper: fresh shrimp seared in the pan with green onion, leftover peice of salmon, asperagus and baby bok choy.
I'm proud of you! Weekends are always the toughest. :) - Your Ottawa friend & internet creeper