While starting the journey of my first Whole30 in March of this year, I counted days and posted pictures of some meals on Facebook. A week in I got a message from my cousin, Teena. She asked what I was doing, and knowing she has struggled with weight and health much of her life, I encouraged her to look at the program as outlined on the Whole9 page. After reviewing the program she decided she had nothing to lose (and maybe everything to gain?), so why not give it a try. I was so excited and proud of her for deciding to take the plunge. What followed was the first step in her journey back to health and a positive relationship with food. I find her story and continuing adventure so inspiring and real, I asked her to share with you. So without further ado, here's Teena.
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Tips and Resources
Just a quick note today to share with you some awesome resources that you can find right here in St. John's, along with a few tips and tricks that I discovered last time around.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Come out swinging - Prep Tips
We are just a day away from the next Whole30! Excited? I hope you are. I know I am, I'm super pumped and prepared. We've already had one guest post from Sandra the Skeptic, Nicole has some links to yummy recipes in her post, and I've given a few tips on preparedness. Onward and upward from here! I decided to pull the rest of my tips into a single post. Especially since Nicole has recruited just about everyone she knows for this Whole30 and I won't have to worry about struggling for blog topics. Enjoy the few ideas I have below.
More "Trick" than "Treat"

Sunday, 28 October 2012
Round 2: Fight!

"I have little time for food prep... will that matter?"
Friday, 26 October 2012
Let's get this party started!
Ok, so here we are, days away from Whole30 round two. I am pretty excited about this next part of the journey, a number of people have indicated they are going to be Whole30ing along with us for the first time and we even have some guest bloggers lined up. It will be fun to see the Whole30 through their eyes and sharing the blogging load will mean less posts from us - a richer perspective for our readers. If there is anyone out there who is joining us for November and would be willing to write a post or two about it, please let me know. Those stories are always eye-opening and inspiring for sure!
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
And that's a Wrap!
Ever miss a friend's birthday? And a couple weeks later once you remember, you don't know if you should say anything? Yhe more time passes, the more awkward it becomes and you start thinking "maybe I'll just let it slide?". Well that's how I felt about this blog. I started writing immediately after the Whole30 but then... well... then I didn't finish and then I felt awkward, and then a little irritated by the Food Nazi who would not let me get away with it - lol! But that's what friends are for and that's the kind of support I signed up for when I agreed to all this. So without further adieu, here's my wrap up post.
My thoughts immediately following the end of the Whole30:

We MADE it! Yay! I suppose now is time for us to do all that soul searching and wrap up the blog with a lessons learned section. There is so much that I want to say so, please bear with me if my post gets unruly (which it will because it's taken me two months to write it).
First I want to give you all a little update. I apologize that the blog posting kind of petered off towards the end of the month. I could blame my still unfixed computer, but that wouldn't be quite true. Part of the reason I wasn't writing, was simply time. I've never been a journal person, I've never kept a diary, which could be part of the reason that my long term memory is so crappy. I barely remember things that happened when I was younger, but my cousin who always kept a diary, can tell me everything about a particular day, right down to what we were wearing. Yikes! I can't do that. Journalling has never been a part of my life and it is not a habit that I've cemented.

Anyway, the last thing you heard was that I was heading to a wedding. Barry and I traveled to Halifax for 3 nights 4 days and had a great time! I stuck to the Whole30 very well. I interrogated every waiter, asked for a million substitutions, and ate a lot of steak... hahaha! It wasn't always easy, and I did threaten to cry once when Barry was thinking about ordering nachos, but I made it. The only things that kept me compliant were Barry's constant support and reminders and the crazy support that I got from my friends the day/night of the wedding. No one tried to convince me to try the dessert, no one said "aww c'mon, just one drink", I was given multiple mineral waters from the bar every time anyone went for a round. So, thanks everyone! You have all my love and my undying gratitude.
I spent the rest of the weekend quizzing the waiters at every restaurant and stressing myself out about not knowing what kind of choices I would find. Either way, I always managed to find something, even if it wasn't what I thought I wanted. Overall, I survived the weekend away and stuck to my Whole30. Bad news? It totally broke my stride. When I came home I was counting down the days (only 2 but still) and dreaming of all the things I was going to eat once my Whole30 was over. I couldn't wait for it to be finished. I kept thinking about the microbrews that I missed out on and the desserts I wanted... Those last two days were the worst of the entire Whole30, I struggled with returning to "normal", how I would handle it, and taking a very truthful look inside to see what I was really feeling. I wasn't motivated or excited about the journey anymore and no amount of blog reading helped. I just couldn't get that motivation back. So that kind of fooled me up. In a way, I kind of look forward to doing another Whole30 in the future so I can have the full experience, because I felt like it kind of lost something in those last few days. I still ate according to "plan" but it just wasn't the same.
But it's done right? Now what?

First, lets take a reading - how did I feel at the end of 30 days? Good news? I lost almost 12 pounds and a total of over 7 inches on my body. Bad news? Internally, I felt alright, but not as good as I expected to. I expected that I had lost a little weight, I wasn't feeling hungry, I was feeling satisfied. But I didn't think there was any miraculous change that I experienced. I still had a few bouts of IBS but I figured it was likely a reaction to dark leafy veggies. My hair and skin felt the same, my fingernails were still soft and bendy. My sleep didn't seem different, the only energy difference that I experienced was that I wasn't tired at 3pm. I just didn't see anything life changing. And I was disappointed. I over analyzed all the food choices I had made over the last 30 days, wondering if I had eaten something that would have caused a required restart of the 30 days. I blamed the trip. I just was expecting something bigger. At one point Nicole commented about how this 30 days was changing my whole life, and I remember thinking, "really? It's not so fantastic". So I ate. And I ate. And I ate. I managed to follow the 10 day reintroduction schedule for about 4 days. That's when I added in gluten grains. And the whole thing went to hell in a hand basket after that. I started to return to my old eating habits, I had takeout multiple times in a weekend, drank beer, and ate dessert.

Lets skip the dirty part... 3 weeks later... I'm searching in my closet for fat pants, wishing I hadn't eaten all that food. I stepped on the scale I had only gained 3 pounds?!!?! What? If I only gained 3 pounds in 3 weeks, why did I long for the comfort of stretchy yoga pants. It made no sense... Unless I had wheat belly! I was bloated and tired and generally felt kind of crappy. I could have been any number of things but I seemed to feel the worst when I ate wheat and I even had pain and IBS flare-ups. All symptoms of gluten issues. I don't know if I have a sensitivity, or what but I do know that wheat products are like poison to me. But because I went so far off the rails with my reintroduction schedule, I also can't be sure if it is only the wheat. Maybe it's the bad fats? Maybe it's something else in my diet. But all I know is that I felt yucky but I didn't feel like this on the Whole30. Even though at the end of the 30 days I said that I just felt alright, maybe I felt better than I realized? Maybe I felt great and just didn't know it? Because there certainly is quite a discrepancy between how I felt on the Whole30 and how I felt after 3 weeks of off-roading. So, I decided to cut out wheat and make better decisions about the food I was eating; try to return somewhat to a Whole30-ish form of nourishment.
Skip ahead again a few weeks to the present day. I'm doing better with my food choices but not great. I've gained back about 6 pounds altogether. The scale has stopped moving and even though I don't crave wheat or grain products, I can't seem to work the internal switch that tells me to say no when they are in front of me. So I'm struggling. I need to work more on some things. I haven't unlearned some of my bad habits and I need to give myself time to work on them. I truly believe that every time I do a Whole30 I will learn something new, or make a change that I didn't think possible. Now that I know what to expect, I plan to do some extra things for my next Whole30 to prepare myself, my pantry, and my freezer. I know it was hard on Barry sometimes as the main cook in the household to accommodate my first Whole30 so I want to make it easier for him to accommodate my choice when I decide to do another Whole30. If anyone has any ideas/recipes please share!
My first Whole30 was interesting to say the least and I did actually come away with a number of good habits. I'm completely off aspartame I am not having sweetener in my coffee or tea or in any food. And I haven't replaced it with another form such as white refined in coffee or tea. I've been using honey when I cook and need a little something sweet and I've stuck mainly to dark chocolate when I have chocolate. But I still have trouble with cupcakes and muffins when they are available. I have totally eliminated soda pop too! And I was a huge Diet Pepsi drinker. Since the beginning of August I've had half a glass of Diet Pepsi and had such an immediate reaction to the aspartame, that I doubt I'll go back. My head started to pound within a half hour and I can only assume that it was the pop. Not to mention that it seemed exceptionally sweet to me. Now I stock my cupboards with carbonated water and throw in a little lemon or lime when I want a treat. I'm also drinking a lot more teas instead of coffee with nothing added. I found that I really enjoy cuddling up on the couch in the evening with Barry, a cup of Pumpkin Chai tea (from Davids Tea), and a good book. I still can't really get the hang of coconut milk. It's ok but not something I want in my coffee everyday, I have to say I'm enjoying the cream at the moment.
So, I would say that my Whole30 was a success even for just the aspartame and Diet Pepsi. And I finally posted this wrap up, and now I can start thinking about and planning for the next Whole30, in November!
My thoughts immediately following the end of the Whole30:

We MADE it! Yay! I suppose now is time for us to do all that soul searching and wrap up the blog with a lessons learned section. There is so much that I want to say so, please bear with me if my post gets unruly (which it will because it's taken me two months to write it).
First I want to give you all a little update. I apologize that the blog posting kind of petered off towards the end of the month. I could blame my still unfixed computer, but that wouldn't be quite true. Part of the reason I wasn't writing, was simply time. I've never been a journal person, I've never kept a diary, which could be part of the reason that my long term memory is so crappy. I barely remember things that happened when I was younger, but my cousin who always kept a diary, can tell me everything about a particular day, right down to what we were wearing. Yikes! I can't do that. Journalling has never been a part of my life and it is not a habit that I've cemented.

Anyway, the last thing you heard was that I was heading to a wedding. Barry and I traveled to Halifax for 3 nights 4 days and had a great time! I stuck to the Whole30 very well. I interrogated every waiter, asked for a million substitutions, and ate a lot of steak... hahaha! It wasn't always easy, and I did threaten to cry once when Barry was thinking about ordering nachos, but I made it. The only things that kept me compliant were Barry's constant support and reminders and the crazy support that I got from my friends the day/night of the wedding. No one tried to convince me to try the dessert, no one said "aww c'mon, just one drink", I was given multiple mineral waters from the bar every time anyone went for a round. So, thanks everyone! You have all my love and my undying gratitude.

But it's done right? Now what?
First, lets take a reading - how did I feel at the end of 30 days? Good news? I lost almost 12 pounds and a total of over 7 inches on my body. Bad news? Internally, I felt alright, but not as good as I expected to. I expected that I had lost a little weight, I wasn't feeling hungry, I was feeling satisfied. But I didn't think there was any miraculous change that I experienced. I still had a few bouts of IBS but I figured it was likely a reaction to dark leafy veggies. My hair and skin felt the same, my fingernails were still soft and bendy. My sleep didn't seem different, the only energy difference that I experienced was that I wasn't tired at 3pm. I just didn't see anything life changing. And I was disappointed. I over analyzed all the food choices I had made over the last 30 days, wondering if I had eaten something that would have caused a required restart of the 30 days. I blamed the trip. I just was expecting something bigger. At one point Nicole commented about how this 30 days was changing my whole life, and I remember thinking, "really? It's not so fantastic". So I ate. And I ate. And I ate. I managed to follow the 10 day reintroduction schedule for about 4 days. That's when I added in gluten grains. And the whole thing went to hell in a hand basket after that. I started to return to my old eating habits, I had takeout multiple times in a weekend, drank beer, and ate dessert.

Lets skip the dirty part... 3 weeks later... I'm searching in my closet for fat pants, wishing I hadn't eaten all that food. I stepped on the scale I had only gained 3 pounds?!!?! What? If I only gained 3 pounds in 3 weeks, why did I long for the comfort of stretchy yoga pants. It made no sense... Unless I had wheat belly! I was bloated and tired and generally felt kind of crappy. I could have been any number of things but I seemed to feel the worst when I ate wheat and I even had pain and IBS flare-ups. All symptoms of gluten issues. I don't know if I have a sensitivity, or what but I do know that wheat products are like poison to me. But because I went so far off the rails with my reintroduction schedule, I also can't be sure if it is only the wheat. Maybe it's the bad fats? Maybe it's something else in my diet. But all I know is that I felt yucky but I didn't feel like this on the Whole30. Even though at the end of the 30 days I said that I just felt alright, maybe I felt better than I realized? Maybe I felt great and just didn't know it? Because there certainly is quite a discrepancy between how I felt on the Whole30 and how I felt after 3 weeks of off-roading. So, I decided to cut out wheat and make better decisions about the food I was eating; try to return somewhat to a Whole30-ish form of nourishment.

So, I would say that my Whole30 was a success even for just the aspartame and Diet Pepsi. And I finally posted this wrap up, and now I can start thinking about and planning for the next Whole30, in November!
Friday, 7 September 2012
Well, that flew by! What next?
First off, my apologies for not posting sooner. In the final days of the Whole30 we unexpectedly bought a house and are in the crazy process of selling ours. Blogging time became decluttering time.
But for the final paragraph in this chapter, one word would describe this Whole30 for me: success! At the end of the thirty days, I felt fantastic. My skin was dewy (hello healthy fats!), my sinus issues gone, I felt firmer, slimmer and completely energized. I had moments when I felt so great, I was tempted to try and go longer - why mess with a great thing?
But for the final paragraph in this chapter, one word would describe this Whole30 for me: success! At the end of the thirty days, I felt fantastic. My skin was dewy (hello healthy fats!), my sinus issues gone, I felt firmer, slimmer and completely energized. I had moments when I felt so great, I was tempted to try and go longer - why mess with a great thing?
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Final days of Whole30 #2
Four more days until this Whole30 is a wrap. It's been a good one, I have to say doing a challenge like this during a bountiful harvest time makes it pretty pleasant. Plates have been colorful and flavorful the last 26 days and I haven't experienced boredom with my meals yet. It will be interesting to see how my next Whole30 will differ - that's planned for January. My intention is to complete a Whole30 twice a year, just to give my system and myself a reset and reminder of how good it feels to eat so cleanly consistently. The effort it takes to complete a Whole30 is a way of consciously investing in my health.
Friday, 24 August 2012
Day 24: A Mini Vacation and a Wedding!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Day 22: Cookie? Maybe?

Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Days 18, 19, 20 and 21: Try new things
Sorry for being out of touch the past few days. I did not slip-up, cheat, or go rogue, I just truly enjoyed my weekend at home, to the point that I didn't even think of writing anything. I also spent a fair bit of time working for some of the volunteer work that I do, and attending some meetings. The weekend just kind of got away from me, and yesterday too. Not to mention that this computer is crappy and old and irritating. I've been eating very well the past few days and have even tried a few new things.
Monday, 20 August 2012
Vacationing, part 2
![]() |
Fox Cove, Newfoundland |
Day 20 is coming to a close and I'd be lying if I said this has been a walk in the park this time around. It is easier - I attribute that to the abundance of fresh, local vegetables available now that makes it easy to have colourful, tasty plates at every meal. However, Whole30ing while vacationing is a challenge: not for me are the "salty snacks" my family shares while watching the nightly movie; no thank you to refreshing ice cream after dinner; not indulging in a drizzle of honey or maple syrup over a pumpkin spice waffle at breakfast; no wine or beer to unwind after the kids finally pass out from their full days.
Friday, 17 August 2012
Vacation - the Whole30 my way
Day 17: An Early Veggie Harvest
My garden on the back patio |
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Day 16: A Visit From the Sugar Monster and Why I Fought Back

Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Day 15: The Halfway Mark
In celebration of the halfway point I've decided to re-visit the me from Whole30 Eve to see if there have been any changes.
Day 14: Two Whole Weeks!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Happy half-way eve
Tomorrow will be day 15 of this Whole30, how awesome is that? To celebrate, I am hoping for good weather so I can bring the monkeys blueberry picking. I understand the barrens are positively bursting this year and although I am not a lover of picking them, there is nothing like the taste of a wild Newfoundland blueberry...nothing! In fact, the grandparents brought some freshly picked berries down a couple of nights ago and the the boys dove into them, cramming fistfuls into their mouths.
Monday, 13 August 2012
Goodnight Day 13
Well, we are closing in on two weeks of our Whole30 and I've got sleep on the brain again.
One of the nine factors referred to in the Whole9 is sleep. Getting the right amounts in the right fashion is integral to health and well-being. The right amounts are between 7 and 9 hours, apparently. I fall short of this most nights, but feel markedly better when I do punch seven good hours. One of my definite time wasters is my beloved iPad and iPhone. It never fails that I want to check "one more thing" before lights out, and before you know it I am on the fourth food blog and up well past my desired sleep time.
One of the nine factors referred to in the Whole9 is sleep. Getting the right amounts in the right fashion is integral to health and well-being. The right amounts are between 7 and 9 hours, apparently. I fall short of this most nights, but feel markedly better when I do punch seven good hours. One of my definite time wasters is my beloved iPad and iPhone. It never fails that I want to check "one more thing" before lights out, and before you know it I am on the fourth food blog and up well past my desired sleep time.
Day... er, what day is it?
See? The Whole30 is so awesome, that I totally forgot what day it is! I'm not on a countdown; not wishing that the 30 days were over so that I can go back to eating junk food. Wow, that's a pretty special feeling! There are temptations but overall I feel pretty comfortable in this new way of eating. Even drinking my coffee with coconut milk is getting easier.

I wasn't able to post all weekend due to technical difficulties, see realistic depiction to the left, so I'm going to try to give you a quick run down of what my weekend looked like...

I wasn't able to post all weekend due to technical difficulties, see realistic depiction to the left, so I'm going to try to give you a quick run down of what my weekend looked like...
Disclaimer: we are not nutritionists
Yesterday we received this comment on one of our earlier posts from Anonymous: "Shouldn't you be designated nutritionists if you are giving health/nutrition advice??? Just a thought and a concern for balanced, well educated, informed and research based information ...anybody it seems can create a blog but is it legit? Very concerned that you are giving advice based on pop culture reading rather than intensive study in the area of sound nutrition."
Friday, 10 August 2012
Day 10: Finally Friday and a Question About Gum
Well, we've made it finally to the end of the week! Yay, to Nicole, Eileen, Ashley, myself and all those others out there who are now 1/3 of the way through the 30 days. And a big hurrah to Jaclyn who is actually on day 16 of 40! I'm actually really looking forward to the weekend to relax, run, and spend some time with friends! It's the first time I will see some of them since I started the Whole30. I'm feeling results: I feel more energetic; I'm sleeping better; my face seems a little clearer; my clothes fit better already; I'm proud of myself; and, I really believe in the Whole30 framework. I've bought in completely! It's exciting! I've tried so many new foods in the past 10 days, prepared the same foods in different ways, and found some really good foods that I may not have tried otherwise. But how do I share my new knowledge with my friends this weekend without causing a ruckus? I mean, not everyone wants to hear or is ready to hear that grains are forcing our bodies outside of their healthy functioning processes, sugars are killing us, and that dairy can cause an immune response. Not really party conversation...
Ode to zucchini
Where my spaghetti comes from... |
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Day 9: Shush... I'm trying to listen

Day 8: What do you mean it's 11pm?
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Why I love fat
One of the hallmarks of any good Paleo or Primal meal is making sure a good dose of healthy fat forms part of what is on your plate. I know....whoa! Fat? Really? Yup, for real, people. A bit of a leap from cut all the fat as much as possible!! that has been screamed at us for the last twenty years. As I started exploring the Paleo and Primal frameworks, this actually appealed to me, because it is reflective of their mantra to eat real food. I have resisted the low-fat movement for years as a result of my belief that if you can't enjoy the real thing (butter, yogurt) then why bother?
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Finding Balance
Today my husband gave me the gift of a day off with the family. We went to a wonderful sandy beach an hour away - the kids had a blast and we did too. Food was simple, I didn't take pictures. I was Whole30 compliant and it wasn't an effort - as I mentioned before, there is no counting, weighing, logging, measuring involved.
Day 7: We CAN do it!
Well, here we are at the end of Day 7, what a good feeling! We are a full week into the Whole30! I can already say that some things have changed for me. First, I don't mind coconut milk in my coffee as long as I use big cans that mix up well. For a while I was using little cans and they didn't work. The milk was really runny and it had lumps; no wonder I didn't like it in my coffee. Now I'm back to using big cans and Barry whipped up a batch for me last night. It's going down OK. I can do this! Drinking my coffee without milk and sweetener, is. Not. Hard. Second, my relationship with food is already changing!
Monday, 6 August 2012
Sleep - or why I missed yesterday's post
A couple of weeks back, the Whole9 had a really simple equation on either their Facebook page or their website. It was, "In terms of priority (for optimal health), nutrition > sleep > exercise." So simple, yet it struck me that I really don't embody this. Too often I find myself trading sleep for "achieving:" getting stuff done the likely could wait until tomorrow or even later. I'm not the greatest relaxer in the world and I'd really like to become better at it. More than that though, in every book I have read on how the body works, it is stressed that adequate sleep is of paramount importance for optimal health. Particularly in books coming from the Paleo community: Robb Wolf's Paleo Solution really drove it home, as does Mark Sisson of Mark's Daily Apple.
Day 6: Preparation and an Ouchie...
Tonight's post is going to be a short one. I'm typing with one hand (please excuse any grammatical errors) while the other sits in a bowl of cool water; its the only way I can get relief from the burning caused by cutting jalepenos without gloves. This happens every time! I can't believe that I don't learn. I always end up with my hands searing but I never put on gloves, but now I feel like banging my head off the wall until it gets through my thick skull...
Day 5: Preservatives and Caffeine Withdrawl
This morning was tough... I woke up with a raging headache and felt exactly the same as I would have if I had been stinking drunk last night. Which I wasn't, of course. But I felt sour, like I had been poisoned. I even texted Nicole for support. I feel like shit! Remind me why I'm doing this? I felt kind of bad yesterday, feel really bad today!
Her response?
Her response?
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Gaining Control
I've always been one to question pretty much everything. It drove every math teacher I ever had mad, and I am sure my parents sometimes wished I had been a more compliant child. I really don't think it comes from a place of trying to be a contrarian, rather I just like to know facts and details prior to making a decision.
Day 4: Hot Heat
Today was a rather relaxing day. I awoke at around 10am, after falling asleep early last night. I took the pups out and gave them breakfast, then set about finding something for myself. I spent most of the day outside on the patio enjoying the heat and reading. I took a nice nap inside around 4:00. I did pretty good for food cravings today, no visits from the sugar monster and I didn't even feel bad when Barry and Peter ordered pizza for supper (although they ate it downstairs so as not to tempt me - thanks guys!). But I did have some issues craving something other than water to drink!
Friday, 3 August 2012
It's not so bad
I don't know if I am hitting my stride or have been lulled into a false sense of serenity, but today didn't seem as bad as yesterday. This despite the fact that I was at no less than two movies today (one in the theatre with big brother bear, one backyard showing for kids on our street) and was surrounded by chocolate and salty popcorn temptations at both.
Day 3: ...zzzz....
Day 3, and I'm still alive, albeit, pretty tired. No, exhausted might be a better word for it. Today presented some new challenges; I was out of the office today to take part in a strategic planning workshop for a not-for-profit group with which I volunteer. The agenda was delivered yesterday and the dreaded words were written right there... "nutrition breaks and lunch will be provided"... Oh crap! That means Tim Horton's coffee and muffins at morning break, soup and sandwiches at lunch, and pastries at afternoon break. Pastries!!! My major achilles heel item. I LOVE pastries! Ack!
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Haunted by the sugar demon
This morning began with me chopping dark orange chocolate for scones I was making for my oldest to bring as a hostess gift to a play date he was heading to this afternoon. It made me salivate - I adore chocolate.
Day 2: A Shopping Trip to the Organic Food Section
Day 2... feels like... any other day!
I started the day with a nice 4.4km run with two good friends. Ladies, I know you are reading. We actually made better time today than we ever have, we actually increased our pace today by almost a minute. We covered more distance in less time. So give yourselves a big pat on the back! It was a beautiful morning but it was hot: the sun was out; it was 16 degrees at 6am; and ,there was no wind. But we made it, we even ran up Glebe Street without stopping. Not that Newfoundland is very flat but this is a steep hill. And we all made it to the top, albeit not without a number of curses escaping our lips!
Speaking of cursing,
I started the day with a nice 4.4km run with two good friends. Ladies, I know you are reading. We actually made better time today than we ever have, we actually increased our pace today by almost a minute. We covered more distance in less time. So give yourselves a big pat on the back! It was a beautiful morning but it was hot: the sun was out; it was 16 degrees at 6am; and ,there was no wind. But we made it, we even ran up Glebe Street without stopping. Not that Newfoundland is very flat but this is a steep hill. And we all made it to the top, albeit not without a number of curses escaping our lips!
Speaking of cursing,
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Finding my groove
Day 1 started spectacularly by hiking Signal Hill with a friend. The trek isn't long, but it is uphill, with lots and lots of steps. I am coming to love morning exercise which completely shocks me, sleep has always won over voluntarily waking early for this girl. However, we are in the midst of one gorgeous summer and sun definitely makes a happier me. On top of that, I'm lucky to have some pretty spectacular girls in my life who share similar goals and meeting up with them makes early morning rises worth it.
Day 1: Goal Setting
So my first Whole30 has commenced. I have to say, it didn't really start with a bang, unless you count the sore neck and headache I had this morning that was completely unrelated to the Whole30 but that kept me home from work. So the day didn't really start until early afternoon when I finally managed to crawl out of my cave, aka bedroom. But all of that time in bed gave me plenty of time to think. In between cat naps and ice packs, I managed to download the Whole9 Whole30 Daily's self evaluation worksheet and I took the time to list some SMART goals for my Whole30. Wanna hear? Of course you do!
T'was the night before Whole30...
...and all through the house, not a creature was stirring except me* with my can of coconut milk to use in my coffee in the morning...
So, here goes right? It's Whole30 Eve and I'm home sipping my last glass of red wine for 30 whole days, thinking about coffee in the morning. I have a confession... but don't tell anyone... I'm a sweetener addict.*gasp* Sugar Twin being my drug of choice. I know, pure aspartame; but don't even think about giving me anything else.
So, here goes right? It's Whole30 Eve and I'm home sipping my last glass of red wine for 30 whole days, thinking about coffee in the morning. I have a confession... but don't tell anyone... I'm a sweetener addict.*gasp* Sugar Twin being my drug of choice. I know, pure aspartame; but don't even think about giving me anything else.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Here we go!
Well, that sounds a whole lot more upbeat than I am feeling right now. I just said goodbye to the last square of dark chocolate I will have for a month...it would be a miracle for me to welcome that moment with joy.
Monday, 30 July 2012
Not Your Typical "Diet"
"Diet" is such a loaded word in my world. It's heavy with expectation, riddled with disappointment. It implies restriction and sacrifice, meticulously tracking every crumb that enters the mouth. "Diet" means the search for rapid weight loss, regardless of the means: cabbage soup diet, juice diet, cleanses. The word certainly doesn't connote preparation of foods to love and savour for their taste. Diet also implies a transitory state, an "I'll try this for now" mindset. I resist using it, and when others ask "What diet are you on?" etc. I kind of wince inwardly. I've never been one for "diets" and think most of them are today's version of snake-oil, advertising a cure-all for all your ills if you follow their plan. I've been pretty convinced the only thing it will cure is the burn you feel from the money in your pocket, and that following their advice would be in the long run benign at best, detrimental at worst.
So how did I come to fall hook, line and sinker for the Primal or Paleo diets?
So how did I come to fall hook, line and sinker for the Primal or Paleo diets?
Sunday, 29 July 2012
And all that science-y stuff...
Now if I want to actually talk about weight loss, I have to go back to Gary Taubes. I'm sure that the Whole9's book "It Starts With Food" will talk about the same stuff, but I'm only on page 91... How is it that we think we are eating healthy when we aren't? How did we get not-thin in the first place? The Whole30 will switch my diet to focus on good whole foods, including good fats. Wait... doesn't fat make us fat? What does the science say?
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Confessions of a Food Nazi
I think a theme that is already emerging from this blog is the idea of a "continuum." There is no "end point" along this trajectory that is my relationship with food. I'm a food lover, foodie, food snob, epicurean - however you choose to refer to someone who derives the greatest pleasure from a stellar meal shared with family or friends around the table. It never was simply fuel for me, and I can't see ever getting to that point. However, I also try to embody the simple principle of "know better, do better" in all areas of my life, thus it is with the food choices I now make. And yes, although I do "know better," sometimes I choose to indulge in something that I know full and well isn't the healthiest choice - or a healthy choice at all.
But I am eating healthy Part II - So what is healthy?
Onward with the journey of exploration. So, if I'm not eating healthy now, how do I start? What is healthy? According to Melissa and Dallas, there are four criteria that must be met in order to determine if a food is healthy; "not three, not most...all" criteria.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
But I AM eating healthy...
Or at least I thought I was, until I read "Why we get fat and what to do about it" by Gary Taubes. Living in a perpetual state of hunger, trying to stay motivated to adhere to any number of low calorie diets, I was fed up (or not, if you take it literally) and couldn't figure out why none of these programs were working for me. Leaving a trail of unrealized goals and empty chip bags behind me,
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
What the heck is all this about?
Welcome to our blog! We are going to collaboratively use this space as a tool for reflection and motivation on our Whole30 journey. Because Nicole is taking the month of August off and won't see Leanne daily in the office, we needed a space to "meet and chat" about how we feel, cheer each other on and share tasty recipes that feature Whole30 compliant foods.
Some of you may be wondering what this Whole30 business is all about.
Some of you may be wondering what this Whole30 business is all about.
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